The Legend of Tuked Rini

Life in the Highlands

Cultured Rainforest Project


Explore my published works on The Heart of Borneo.


‘The Great Spirit and Facebook among the Kelabit of Sarawak.’ Shaman 31(1-2): 33-60


‘Prey into kin : The cosmological role of the pig in the Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak’. Anthropozoologica Special Issue Les suidés en contexte rituel a l’époque contemporaine eds Frédéric Laugrand, Lionel Simon & Séverine Lagneaux. Vol 56 No. 11: 167–180.

‘Journeys in quest of cosmic power : Highland heroes in Borneo.’ In James Fox and Clifford Sather (eds) Austronesian Paths and Journeys. Canberra : ANU (Comparative Austronesian series no. 8), pp. 93–126.


'Journeys in quest of cosmic power - highland heroes in Borneo' by Monica Janowski in book Austronesian Paths and Journeys eds Fox and Sather

‘Stones Alive ! : an exploration of the relationship between humans and stone in Southeast Asia.’ Bijdragen tot de –taal, -land en volkenkunde 176(1): 105-146.


‘The highland dragon: Fearsome protector of nature.’ Sarawak Museum Journal Vol LXXXII, No. 103: 1–20.


‘Fieldwork with Molly: Musings on 30 years of motherhood and anthropological research.’ In Kelvin Egay and Hew Cheng Sim (eds), Beyond Romance. Fieldwork in Sarawak, pp. 121–152. Petaling Jaya: SIRD.


‘‘‘I am a grandparent and my name is good”: Status, food and gender among the Kelabit of Sarawak.’ In special issue of Pacific Studies edited by Lamong Lindstrom and Kun-Hui Ku. Vol. 39, nos 1 & 2: 126–173.

‘The dynamics of the cosmic conversation. Beliefs about spirits among the Kelabit and the Penan of the Upper Baram, Sarawak.’ In Kaj Arhem and Guido Sprenger (eds), Animism in SE Asia, pp. 181–204. Oxford: Routledge.

(with S.E. Jones, H. Barton, C.O. Hunt, L. Lloyd-Smith and G. Barker) ‘The cultural antiquity of rainforests: Human-plant associations during the mid-late Holocene in the interior highlands of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo.’ Quaternary International: Vol. 416: 80–94. Part of special issue: Southeast Asia: human evolution, dispersals and adaptation, edited by Antony Borel, Hermine Xhauflair, Noel Amano and Andri Purnomo.


‘Pigs and people in the Kelabit Highlands.’ Indonesia and the Malay World, Vol 42 No. 122 : 88–112

‘Puntumid : Great Spirit of the Heart of Borneo.’ In Indonesia and the Malay World, Vol 42, No. 133: 120–122


(with Huw Barton and Samantha Jones) ‘Culturing the rainforest : the Kelabit Highlands of Sarawak.’ In Kathy Morrison and Suzanne Hecht (eds), The Social Lives of Forests, pp. 161–172. University of Chicago Press.


'Food Migration and Memory' Introduction to special issue of journal Food and Foodways by Monica Janowski

'Food Trauma and Identity - Memories of Polish Forced Migrants' by Monica Janowski

'Imagining the forces of life and the cosmos in the Kelabit Highlands', in book Imagining Landscapes ed. Janowski and Ingold

(with Huw Barton) ‘Reading human activity in the landscape: stone and thunderstones in the Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak.’ Indonesia and the Malay World 40, 118: 354–271


'Rice Beer and Social Cohesion in the Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak.' In W. Schiefenhovel and Helen Macbeth (eds), Fluid Bread, pp. 183–195. Oxford and New York : Berghahn.

Why cultivate? Anthropological and Archaeological Approaches to Foraging-Farming Transitions in Southeast Asia. Edited by Monica Janowski and Graeme Barker. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Anthropological Research. With introduction by Monica Janowski and Graeme Barker (pp. 1–16) and chapter by Monica Janowski and Jayl Langub : ‘Footprints and Marks in the Forest: the Penan and the Kelabit of Borneo’, pp. 121–132.


Kinship and Food in Southeast Asia (co-edited with Fiona Kerlogue). Chapter by Monica Janowski : ‘Introduction. Feeding the right food : The flow of life and the construction of kinship in Southeast Asia’ (pp. 1–22). Copenhagen : NIAS Press.

Kinship and Food in Southeast Asia (co-edited with Fiona Kerlogue). Chapter by Monica Janowski: ‘Being ‘Big’, Being ‘Good’ : Feeding, kinship, potency and status among the Kelabit of Sarawak’ (pp. 91–119). Copenhagen : NIAS Press.


‘Rice as a bridge between two symbolic economies: Migration within and out of the Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak.’ In Reed Wadley (ed), Histories of the Borneo Environment. Economic, political and social dimensions of change and continuity, pp. 245–268. Leiden : KITLV Press.


‘The wet and the dry: the history of rice cultivation in the Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak.’ In Peter Boomgard and David Henley (eds), Smallholders and Stockbreeders. Histories of Foodcrop and Livestock Farming in SE Asia, pp. 139–162. Leiden: KITLV.


‘Masculinity, potency and pig fat : the Kelabit of Sarawak.’ In Harlan Walker (ed), The Fat of the Land, pp. 130–141. London : Footwork.


‘Rice, women, men and the natural environment among the Kelabit of Sarawak’. In Alaine Low and Soraya Tremayne (eds), Women as Sacred Custodians of the Earth? pp. 107-117. Oxford and New York: Berghahn.


‘Ethnicity is in the mind…food is on the table. The Christmas meal among the Kelabit of Sarawak and the Polish community in the UK.’ In T. Dekker, J. Helsloot and C. Wijers (eds), Roots and Rituals: Managing Ethnicity, pp. 485¬–498. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.


‘Beads, Prestige and Life Force among the Kelabit of Sarawak.’ In Lidia Sciama and Joanne Eicher (eds) Beads: Gender, Making and Meaning, pp. 213–246. Oxford: Berg.


‘The Kelabit attitude to the Penan: forever children.’ La Ricerca Folklorica 34: 55–58.


‘Kelabit beads.’ In Change and Development in Borneo. Selected Papers from the First Extraordinary Conference of the Borneo Research Council, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, August 4-9, 1990, ed. Vinson Sutlive pp. 277300.

‘The symbolic significance of food from the forest among the Kelabit of Sarawak, East Malaysia.’ In C.M. Hladik, A. Hladik, O.F. Linares, H. Pagezy, A. Semple and M. Hadley (eds), Tropical Forests, People and Food. Biocultural Interactions and Applications to Development, pp. 651-660. Paris: UNESCO and Parthenon (Man and the Biosphere Series Volume 13).


‘The making of earthenware cooking pots in the Kelabit Highlands.’ In Lucas Chin and Valerie Mashman (eds), Sarawak Cultural Legacy, pp. 135–147. Kuching: Society Atelier Sarawak.


1988 ‘The motivating forces behind changes in the wet rice agricultural system in the Kelabit Highlands.’ Sarawak Gazette, Vol CXIV No 1504: 9–21.