Re-opening of the SE Asia Museum at the University of Hull!
15 November 2024Last week, shortly after Kaz and I arrived in Kuching for our usual three months’ stay in Sarawak, I gave a talk on Sarawak dragon beliefs at the Borneo Research Council conference in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. This was a roundup of the research I’ve done so far on highland Lundayeh and Kelabit dragons; Iban dragons; Kayan, Kenyah, Penan and Berawan dragons in the Baram river area; Bidayuh dragons; and Chinese dragons. I also spoke about the potential of displaying the dragon in museums, as part of explaining cosmological beliefs in SE Asia. My paper was part of a panel that included Joanna Kitingan, Hanafi Hussin and Jacqui Pugh-Kitingan.