In collaboration with my husband Kaz Janowski, who was at that time a radio producer at the BBC World Service, we made ten series of radio programmes between 1997 and 2007.

Eight of the series were made for broadcast on the BBC World Service and two were for broadcast within ‘magazine’ programmes on local radio in Africa, one in Uganda and one in Zambia.

Many of the programmes in these series drew on international development research projects on which I had worked with natural scientists and economists while I was employed as an anthropologist at the Natural Resources Institute of the University of Greenwich.

Kaz and I aimed to focus on telling human stories in making these programmes. This was particularly important for those programmes that drew on international development research, as the findings of projects like these often seem very dry – even though they can have profound implications for improving human lives.

List of series

2005 'Eating out Safely' (for ZNBC radio in Zambia)

2005 'Rats!' (BBC World Service)

2003-2004 'Together to Market' (for local FM radio in Uganda)

2003 ‘Traditional Livelihoods’ (BBC World Service)

2003 'Gathering in the Rain' (BBC World Service)

2002 'Making Ends Meet' (BBC World Service)

1999-2001 'In the Field' (BBC World Service)

1997 'Down to Earth' (BBC World Service)



(with K. Janowski) ‘A dose of passion: Radio, research and change in Africa’. In John Blewitt (ed), Community, Empowerment and Sustainable Development. Dartingon: Green Books.


‘In the Field: inter-cultural communication through radio and other media’. In Joseph Lo Bianco (ed), Development and Language: Global influences and local effects. Melbourne: Language Australia Ltd.

(with K. Janowski) ‘Communicating innovation: The In the Field project’. LEISA magazine, July, pp. 22–24.