The radio series ‘Gathering in the Rain’ was broadcast on the BBC World Service in 2003. It was conceived and produced by Kaz Janowski of the BBC and Monica Janowski, radio in
development coordinator at the Natural Resources Institute of the University of Greenwich.

The series was made by the BBC in collaboration with the NRI and with Sokoine University in Tanzania and the Natural Resources Systems Programme of the UK Department for International Development.

The programmes present the work of the Soil-Water Management Research Group led by Sokoine University of Agriculture. This was working with villagers in semi-arid lands in Tanzania to promote the ideas of rainwater harvesting and achieved remarkable success.

1. Living in a dry place (12m 30s)
2. Harvesting the rain (12m 33s)
3. Communicating and succeeding (12m 32s)
4. Spreading the message (12m 40s)

Presenter: Suzanne Taylor
Producer and writer: Kaz Janowski
Broadcasting assistant: Rodica Mager
Studio managers: Chris Banner, Isabelle Sargent, Lee Sparey, Simon Morecroft

Sokoine University of Agriculture:
Coordination of villager interviews, lead interviewee, professional input: Prof. Filbert Rwehumbiza
Lead interviewee, professional input: Prof. Nuhu Hatibu
Interviewee, professional input: Abeid Msangi

Natural Resources Institute:
Adviser and coordinator: Dr. Monica Janowski
Admin support: Ruth Burchell, Caroline Troy

Natural Resources Systems Programme:
Advisers: Dr. Margaret Quin, Dr. Pat Norrish
Admin support: Rebecca Radford
Graphic design: Dan Withey
